Thursday, 26 January 2012

Welcome all library campers!

This blog is a space for all Library Camp OZ 2012 participants to post their comments, notes, observations and reflections. We hope to create a collective record of the day and then continue the discussion online afterwards. Not sure what to post? Here are a few ideas:
  • What did you learn at library camp?
  • Which discussion did you find most interesting?
  • Is there a topic you plan to research further or follow up?
Please be a responsible library camper and keep your posts respectful and clean!
Pippy the camping cat, taken on December 24 2007 by snappybex, accessed on February 5th 2012, licensed under Creative Commons.

1 comment:

  1. Lots of ideas flying in the Smartphone brainstorm -
    * co-creation - book reviews and tagging through the SmartPhone
    * an Android app which can scan a barcode in the bookshop and link to the library entry {actual example}s to ma
    * ... and maybe - extend this idea to allow lookup, hold and or purchase request of the item scanned
    * a Jukebox usable in conjunction with library resources
    * renewals and holds with searching.
    * about a 1/3 present had Smartphone apps for their library, mostly vendor provided. About 1/3 also had websites that were mobile friendly
    * geo-encode call numbers so that the Smartphone can "take you to the shelf"
    * bookings of library resources
    * show and allow creation of favourite lists, bestsellers, course lists, etc with direct touch linking to the library.
    * federated searching - a search searches (eg) both the catalogue, the digital library, Google books, Wikipedia.
    Loved libcampoz12 - I was amazed how such a rich programme materialised with great ideas and contributions.

    Edmund Balnaves
